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Tomography, Part 4: Algebra!

The first three articles on tomography focused on analytic techniques, in which the reconstruction problem is attacked using mathematical analysis. When the step to real world scanners is made, the problem is discretized. Both the projections and the reconstruction area are divided into pixels, and a numerical approximation of the true mathematical technique is introduced. The algebraic techniques assume…

Submitted on 9 December 2012

Tomography, Part 3: Reconstruction

Fourier slice theorem

At the end of the second article on tomography, I left you with a very blurry reconstruction of the scanned object. Indeed, naive backprojection is not sufficient to create high-quality reconstructions. Why is that so? Intuitively, a simple backprojection cannot be expected to create a perfect reconstruction, since the contribution of…

Submitted on 25 November 2012

Tomography, Part 2: Yes, You Can

Sinograms of box with ball

This article shows that it is possible to reconstruct the inside of a person or object from (lots of) projections of that person or object. Mathematically, tomography is based on the fact that the function values of a two-dimension functional f(x,y) can be calculated from projections of that function. This basic fact was discovered…

Submitted on 11 November 2012

Tomography, Part 1: Projections

Projection of box with ball

Have you ever wondered how a CT (or CAT) scanner creates an image of the inside of a person? The answer is computing. CT and CAT are short for computed (axial) tomography. Computing is the secret sauce that is poured over the hundreds or thousands of X-ray photos that make up a CT scan, to merge them into a single image. This first article on tomography explains projections, the essential input data for tomography…

Submitted on 29 October 2012